Design science research (DSR) is an approach for producing scientific knowledge that is distinct from the research strategies usually adopted in both Natural and Social Sciences. In those fields, research has a descriptive character, in which the goal is to describe, understand and predict phenomena in a particular domain. Alternatively, the goal of DSR is to develop scientifically grounded solution concepts that are able to solve classes of real-world problems. Moreover, it can establish an appropriate link between theory and practice, strengthening the relevance of academic research. This presentation will explain the DSR approach, providing examples of previous research studies that have adopted this approach in the field of Lean Construction. The research process and the typical outcomes of DSR will be discussed.
Learning objectives: Participants will understand:
1. Understand the Design science research methodology, research process, and the typical outcomes.
2. Appreciate the relevance of Design science research in construction.
3. Become familiar with Action Research.
Program Facilitator
Carlos Formoso is a full professor in Construction Management at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil. He has a Civil Engineering degree and an M.Sc. from UFRGS, and a Ph.D. from the University of Salford, U.K. His main research interests are lean construction, mass customisation, production planning and control, safety management, social housing and value management. He has been an active member of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC) since 1996. For almost thirty years of academic career, he has developed several research projects in partnership with the industry, including contractors, real estate developers, housing funding agencies, and companies that deliver prefabricated systems. Regarding international academic collaboration, he has been a visiting scholar in several universities outside Brazil, including the University of California, Berkeley (USA), Norwegian Building Research Institute, University of Agder (Norway), Strathclyde University, University of Huddersfield, and University of Salford (U.K.), Pontificia Universidad Católica (Chile), among others. He has been a senior advisor of the Brazilian Ministry of the Cities for the National Program for Quality and Productivity in the Habitat (PBQP-H) for eleven years. Also, Prof. Formoso is currently a member of the editorial boards of six international scientific journals.