In this webinar, Christian Pikel will present key topics and lessons for applying Last Planner System® (LPS®) based production planning to the design phase of a project. Participants will learn why it is important to break down traditional large design document set deliverables into a map of information hand-offs and to view question resolution as milestones.
As a shortened primer version of the full Last Planner® in Design workshop, this webinar will introduce participants to the concepts of collaborative design planning and how LPS® principles are adapted for the design phase vs the construction phase and supported by concepts and tools such as scrum and Kanban.
Attendees should have a working understanding of Last Planner System® as applied in construction.
Attendees will learn:
• How the principles of Last Planner System® can be applied to the Design/Development phases of a project.
• How elements of Agile Management and Scrum Framework that combine productively with LPS® in Design Management.
• How successful application of these frameworks and principles can reduce design rework and improve collaboration.
• How metrics can be utilized for team feedback.
• The importance of collaborative plan development and on-going planning conversations in a ‘time-box’ structure.